Looking for a way to easily search through your ChatGPT conversations in Google Chrome? The AI Chat Search Chrome Extension is your solution. A simple extension that enables you to ‘full-text’ search through ChatGPT conversation titles and messages directly »
In the vast and intricate world of commerce, tracking and identifying products is pivotal. This is where EAN (European Article Number) and GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) codes come into play. Initially introduced in the early 1970s as a universal method »
PhonyRails is a Ruby on Rails gem that helps developers normalize and validate phone numbers in their applications. It extends the Phony gem to automatically format phone numbers to international standards and validate them based on the country code. »
In this blog post, we demonstrate how to generate and validate EAN-13 barcodes using JavaScript. EAN-13, a 13-digit barcode standard, is crucial for tracking products in retail and inventory systems globally. Each EAN-13 barcode includes a GS1 country »
So.. you upgraded Postgres (by accident) and are now getting a FATAL: database files are incompatible with server and The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version X, which is not compatible with this version Y.Z.. This post shows the quick fix. »
This post shows how to make your (Gitlab) CI pipeline create an ERD image as auto/self documentation. »
With Salesforce DX not being general, available having a good delivery pipeline on Salesforce is quite cumbersome. We show you how to do it using Gitlab CI. »
So you want to migrate your database while deploying a new docker image into production? Learn how to easily do it by simply setting an environment variable. »
Kraken is a relatively unknown turn-key OCR system. However it has many benefits. In this article we discuss binarizing images for OCR'ing. »
This article will show you how to get started with Rancher and start it using RancherOS. »
This post shows how to install OpenCV on Ubuntu (14.04) with all text and Tesseract goodies. »
Make sure you installed Xcode, cmake and qt. »
On a recent development project we chose Atom as editor (instead of our regular Sublime). Here’s how to install it and some tips on what packages to install. »
So the new privacysettings in Mac OSX 10.11 (alias El Capitan) broke your homebrew? »
If your website runs on Middleman like this website (at time of writing) you might want to create a nice sitemap.xml for search engines to know their way on your site. This article shows how. »
So as developer you might want to use the latest browsers. Browsers your users will use in their bright future. Browsers like Chrome Canary and Firefox Developer Edition. »
This blog is (at time of writing) made using the awesome Middleman App. To easily write articles and view the result we’ve setup Pow to auto start the Middleman server. »
If you’re a code-hipster you create your new apps using Node and of course deploy using Docker ;). This article shows a quick way how. »
As you might have read our post on ‘Map polygons for The Netherlands’ we needed to show township borders on a Google Map. »
One of the rules Google PageSpeed Insights uses is Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content. This posts shows you how to pass this rule and go for a 100/100 score. »
Yesterday we gave a presentation on Microservices, Containers and Docker on eBrella’s ‘Microservices - de hype ontrafeld’ event. Below you can find the slides. Some of the slides contain links to the video shown. If you missed it and want a short introduction »
Using Boot2docker for many Docker experiments you quickly run into the size limitation. Here’s how to grow Boot2docker to allow more images. »
Coming from Rails we wanted a solid asset pipeline in our Node/Express projects. This article shows how to setup connect-assets with Bower and Handlebars as templates. »
Restaurant menus online are a mess. They are embedded in Adobe Flash websites, uploaded as Word document or somewhere on a website in an unreadable format. We’ve fixed that. »
This post describes an initial (internal used) markup for restaurant menus and other pricelists. »
Last year we gave a presentation on Ruby on Rails for a group of developers at PEAK-IT. Below you can find the slides. If you missed it and want an introduction in to Ruby/Rails or an (advanced) hands-on course: drop us a line! »